When Owen gets his new found powers it`s not long till he finds enemies.posted by: Xavier Newton Now Owen is a super hero named Awesome Opossum! Could Owen (Awesome Opossum) make it with his friend Bernard ( The Bionic Bear), Andy (The
Amadillo Android) and Tomas Tomate at his side? Find out here at Awesome OPossum.Blogspot.com!

artwork and story by Sofia Parra

!!!!!!!!!!!THE FIRST STORY OF AWESOME OPOSSUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!One day after a long battle with Sinister Owl, Owen just felt like playing dead, so he could feel like a normal opossum again. Soon after, he heard a creature walk by. But Owen thought it was a small animal. Suddenly, he heard a sucking sound. Now he got a little worried. The next thing he knew, he felt that his ear was moist! He did not want to but he opened his eyes and saw an anteater licking his ear!

artwork and story by Gabriella Parra